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Laxmi laghubitta

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Laxmi Laghubitta provides different loan products to satisfy credit need of low income families. Following loans are available for different purpose and activities.

After completion of the compulsory group training (CGT) and group recognition test (GRT) clients are eligible to take IG Loan. Clients choose their project as per their own knowledge about any kind of Income Generating Activities. The loan is provided under group guarantee and no physical collateral is required.

Beside the Income generating Loan (IG Loan) the LxLB tries to satisfy the Social and Consumption need of the clients by providing Social/consumption loans. The loan is provided under group guarantee and no physical collateral is required.

This loan product is provided to satisfy credit need of micro-entrepreneurs. It is provided to graduated clients from the groups. Project viability, client’s integrity and the physical collateral are the basis to provide this loan.The physical collateral will be required to avail this loan.

LxLB provides IME loan to the missing middle or poor clients who do not wish to join groups for various reasons. Project viability, client’s integrity and the physical collateral are the basis to provide this loan. The physical collateral will be required to avail this loan

Group Based clients and other individuals willing to establish/install alternative energy system are target clients of this loan product. The finance is available to establishment/installation of Biogas Plant, Home solar system, water turbine, water mill (PaniGhatta) and other energy producing systems. Depending upon loan size and duration of loan, the loan can be provided without collateral or backed by physical collateral

This loan product is available to group-based clients to finance inputs for seasonal agricultural production like Purchase of seeds, fertilizer, insecticides and pesticides. The loan is also be available for purchase and sale of agricultural products. The loan is provided under group guarantee and no physical collateral is required.

This loan product is available to group based clients to finance inputs for seasonal business (at the time of new year, Festival season, celebration time etc. Depending upon the demand of the season client can avail this product under group guarantee. No physical collateral is required.

This loan product is available to group based clients to fulfil the immediate and emergency needs. If the client, clients’ family member is/are to admit in the hospital or if the clients’ business is damaged, the client can obtain this loan from the office. The client neither has to wait till the Centre meeting nor she has to see the office time. It is disbursed at any time even if the office is closed. No physical collateral is required.

Group Based clients and other individuals willing to construct /repair/renovate their houses/buildings are target clients of this loan product. The finance is available to establish dream house in order to safe from natural calamities and so on. Tangible cash flow, client’s integrity and the physical collateral are the basis to provide this loan.The physical collateral will be required to avail this loan.

Group Based clients and their immediate family members willing to get any technical and academic qualifications from national and international colleges/ Schools are target clients of this loan product. Client having one year satisfactory track record can avail the loan.The finance is available to pay admission fees, Monthly fees and purchase of books and other required stationery. Depending upon loan size and duration of loan, the loan can be provided without collateral or backed by physical collateral.

Group Based clients and their immediate family member willing to grab the foreign employment opportunities are target clients of this loan product. Client having one year satisfactory track record can avail the loan.The finance is available to manage any type of expenses required to go abroad. The physical collateral will be required to avail this loan.